06 Jul 2024


Katherine Abayomi Ashaolu

“Shine Your Light” Clergy Charges Christians at Anglican Women’s Conference

A cleric, Reverend Nathaniel Abbey-Hart has charged Christian faithful, especially, believing mothers and women to radiate the positive virtues exuded by Jesus Christ during his earthly sojourn as a way of dispelling the darkness that sinful acts by human biengs cause in the world.  

Rev. Abbey-Hart, who is the Priest-in-Charge of Emmanuel Anglican Church, Abalamabie in Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State, gave this charge on Saturday, July 6, 2024 in a keynote address at the Mother’s Union/Women’s Guild Conference 2024 of his church in Bonny, Rivers State.

Priest-in-Charge, Emmanuel Anglican Church, Abalamabie, Bonny LGA, Reverend Nathaniel Abbey-Hart

Describing the theme of the conference, which is “Shine As Light Wherever You Are” as “crucial, apt and relevant for the moment”, the cleric referenced the hymn writer, Susan Warner’s “Jesus Bids Us Shine” in the Sacred Songs and Solos 1138.

“The theme is so crucial, apt and relevant for the moment. A Hymn writer in Sacred Songs and Solos says “Jesus bids as shine with a clear, pure light, like a little candle burning in the night”.

Rev. Nathaniel Abbey-Hart (standing, centre) delivering his keynote address while from left, a member of the Conference Planning Committee, Bernice Green, Publisher of Kristina Reports, Godswill Jumbo, his wife and Leader, Mothers Union/Women’s Guild, Emmanuel Anglican Church, Doris Abbey-Hart, and Chairman, Conference Planning Committee, Rachael Banigo, listen attentively.

“In this world of darkness, we must shine – you in your small corner and I in mine. (SS&S 1138) stanza 1. Wherever you are or whatever you may be; Jesus knows and sees if your light is dim or bright.”

“Many kinds of darkness in this world abounds, and so as Christians, you must shine in your own small corner and l, in mine; so that together we can shine out our light to dispel sin, inordinate ambitions, wickedness, hatred, lying lips and perversion of justice. God wants us to be serious and zealous for good works.”

In her goodwill message, President of the Mothers’ Union, Women’s Guild and Girls Guide of the St. Stephen’s Cathedral Church, Bonny, Miebaka Abbey-Kalio congratulated the Emmanuel’s Anglican Church and its women for organizing her maiden conference.

Conference Supervisor/Representative of MU/WG/GG President, Hephzibah Bright

Represented by the Supervisor of the conference, Hephzibah Bright, the MU/WG/GG President commended the women for supporting their leader, noting that such sustained support remains invaluable, admonishing them to endeavour to be examples to others as followers of Jesus Christ.  

“I congratulate all of you for taking the bold step to have your maiden Women’s Conference as a station Church.”

“Your theme, which is the Cathedral main theme for the year ” SHINE AS LIGHT WHEREVER YOU ARE,” admonishes everyone at the end of this conference to be the salt and light to everyone around you. Let everyone endeavor to be an example to others as Jesus’s true followers.”

“Thank you for supporting your Mama, Mrs. Doris N. Abbey- Hart, the priest wife in charge. Without your support, this conference couldn’t be realized.  Thank you.”

Wife of the Priest and Leader of the Mothers Union (MU) and Women’s Guild (WG) of Emmanuel Anglican Church, Doris Abbey-Hart, who delivered the Presidential Address for the conference, listed the achievements of the MU/WG including installation of a water borehole.

Leader, Mothers Union/Women’s Guild, Emmanuel Anglican Church, Doris Abbey-Hart

She also enumerated the various programmes the women in the church participated in and also organized, highlighting the qualities Christian women should have int heir lives, stressing that as salt of the earth, Christian women should penetrate the society with good works, preserve the righteousness of God in their lives and also heal a dying world.

The Emmanuel Anglican Church Mothers Union/Women’s Guild Leader highlighted different ways Christians can hide their light, advising that such should not be.

“We hide our light by 1. Being quiet when we should speak out when we see things are going wrong in wherever we are. 2. We hide our light by going along with the crowd, following them in the wider road that leads to condemnation and death rather than going through the narrow road that leads to life eternal. 3. We hide our light by denying the light of the gospel truth in us not to shine out. 4. We hide our light by letting sin dim our light. 5. We hide our light by not explaining our lights to others or by ignoring the needs of others.”

“Be a beacon of truth. Don’t shut your light off from the rest of the world.”

Chairman, Mothers Union/Women’s Guild Conference, Emmanuel Anglican Church, Rachael Banigo

Chairman of the Conference, Rachael Banigo expressed her appreciation to the Priest in charge of Emmanuel Anglican Church for his support to the women, observing that his fatherly support and encouragement was key to the success of the conference.   

Highlight of the event was the launch of the Presidential Address by the dignitaries and participants at the conference, as well as praise and worship sessions, special prayers for mothers and women, and the post-conference meeting of the Mothers Union and Women’s Guild.

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